Join the Gourmet revolution
Add sophistication to your dinners, surprise friends with an elegant gift, spice up your and your friends' lifes with our medium heat, creamy truffle hot sauce...
Luxury in a bottle
Truffle Cheese Burgers
This speaks for itself. Take a Patty, a Brioche Bun, mature Cheddar, Onions and a good splash (or 2) of spicy truffle Sauce - and have a great Truffle Burger Treat extraordinaire!
Fantastic with Steaks
Pouring TUFO Sauce over a perfectly grilled slab of Entrecote is a treat for Champions
Luxurious Country Fries
Tufo sauce also complements Potatoe wedges, French Fries, Baked Potatoes, Patatas Bravas and more in an exciting way.
Hot, spicy, creamy, truffely!